Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why IT?

I'll start off by saying I have a BA in Psychology.  I have yet to find anything you can do with a BA in Psychology other than get a MA in Psychology (or Social Work).  Neither of those things interest me.  What did interest me in Psychology was Cognitive Psych, specifically Biomimetics.  That is a field that focuses on having technology or processes mimic biological ones (i.e. how a fish swims) as mother nature has figured things out a lot better than we have. 

This has some fascinating applications in the technological world from swarming robots to thinking computers (hopefully no one thinks to combine the two or Humanity may be in trouble).  Basically what I really got from Psychology was a deeper drive to get into technology.  I did also work at my colleges IT department, which was a great introduction into IT and set the building blocks for my career choice.

Growing up I was always fascinated with computers, mostly for their gaming potential (AOL had some great MMO's, and Rogue Squadron is likely to blame for my middle school grades being... bad), but also for their learning potential.  Encyclopedia Britannica had a great set of CD's with interactive learning videos on them that I adored (they did just stop published paper copies).

All of this set the stage for me to dive into IT, the question was how would I do it?

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