Saturday, January 4, 2014

What's after A+? Or 70-680? Or CCNA? Or (fill in the blank) certification?

I'd wager you did the same thing I did when I got into IT.  I earned a certification, looked back, and wandered what to do next.  I chose to continue earning certifications, but many folks take what they have and run with it.

Yup, all done!

The answer to that question depends entirely on what someone wants to do with their IT career.  I chose Network+ then Security+, both also offered by CompTIA.  Like A+ they are both more focused on high level concepts and ideas within their realms.  They have provided me with a good foundation to build more skills on top of, and are broad enough that I can apply them in most situations I find myself in.

The wonderful, and less-than-wonderful, thing about IT certifications is there are a lot (Googleing IT Certification returns 64+ million pages).  Many, many organizations and companies offer certifications on their hardware, software and methodologies.  The challenge you face is which one do you want to pursue?  You is to sit down and determine what path you want to take.  Hardware or software?  Administration or network engineering?  Programming or management?  Or some other combination?

Another, equally important question, is what do you want to do?  Does it make sense to earn your A+ if you are going to become a programmer?  Will your current or future job make use of the skills you learn, or is this just something you want to do?

The trick is to figure out what you want to do, what will help you get there, and then, as Nike says, Just Do It.

For those of you interest in Microsoft certifications there are MANY paths to take!  Microsoft offers certifications for Technicians, Server Administrators, Programmers and more.

CISCO also offers certifications on their hardware.  If you are interested in network engineering, these are a great place to look.

CompTIA has an extensive line of vendor-neutral certifications.  I personally found them a great place to get started and helped give me a broad knowledge of IT.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Be S.M.A.R.T. Have a Goal.

I was recently speaking with a co-worker when she mentioned not having a goal for the first time in her life.  All throughout high school she told herself she'd buy a home, get a career, get a Masters etc. all before 25.  She accomplished these goals (and a lot more!), but now that she is past her target, she isn't feeling the same drive she did before.

I went through almost the opposite of this.  While I was working part time I had no goal.  I was content (or thought I was) to float around a bit.  Once this changed, however, things started picking up.  I earned Network+, then A+, then Security+ and Project+.  I enrolled in Community College and began picking up new skills.  While that was going on, I got a full time job and earned more responsibilities.  I believe all of this happened for a reason, and the reason is I finally had a target.

Stay on target!
 I am still not 100% sure what my target is.  My family will ask me what my 5 year plan is and I'll tell them something along the lines of running a Project team or managing a group, but beyond that I am not specific.  This is likely a weakness, as having a set goal has been amazingly beneficial.  In addition to this lack of 100%, iron-clad defined goal, one of the least-smart things I've ever done is answer "I don't know" when the Director of my department asked me what I wanted to learn and what my goals were.  I simply hadn't taken time to sit down and think about it.  My first goal was get back into IT, which helped me in getting certifications and my first part time IT job.  Past that, however, I lacked a true target.  I have since developed one, and that has allowed me to expand my skills, and my opportunities greatly.

Benefits of goal setting can be seen in many disciplines, from Business, to Fitness, to personal development.  Personally goals have helped me focus my energy and provide a more tangible reward for doing things.  This, in turns, helps to motivate me to set more goals and to strive to achieve them.  If there is one simple thing you can do to help your career in IT (or anything, really) take some time to think about your goals.  What do you want to be able to do?  Where do you want to be?  These don't have to be things that happen overnight, my goals are still in progress and I set them ~2 years back (and I'm sure I'll have more longer term goals, like buying a home).

A great place to start is by being S.M.A.R.T.  This is a tool to help set goals.  This is just a guideline, but it will help to further focus your goal and help define how you may attain it.

Specific - You need to have a specific target, i.e. get a B+ or higher in C++.  Just saying learn C++ is too vague.

Measurable - You need to be able to measure your progress.  Not only will this help you track how you're doing, it will let you tweak what you're doing to do better.

Attainable - It has to be something you are actually able to accomplish.  Going from newbie to chess grandmaster in a year likely isn't attainable.

Relevant - It must relate in some what to your life and what you're doing.  If it doesn't, you may find it challenging to stay on target.

Trackable - It has to be something you can track.  If you don't know how well you're doing, how do you know when you got there?

Keep in mind this is just one place to start.  You may find other tools work better, or maybe not.  Take time to examine them, and then take time to develop a goal.  It will help you feel better about where you're at, and, more importantly, help you improve.

Do you know what YOUR goals are?

Please leave any questions in the comments and I'll be happy to reply.  Also, take time to go over your goals with your boss, friends, etc.  Their perspective can be incredibly valuable.

For assistance in setting a goal, check out Mind Tools, they have a good overview of the process.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

IT Fundamentals : Never Stop Improving

It is better to move forward an inch then to stop.
~Chinese Proverb

Go little guy go!

Ever since I made the leap from office assisting to IT I have been in a constant state of improvement and development.  Whether I am learning how to build a computer in my bedroom (please PLEASE use anti-static pads if you do this!  The last thing you need is your cat zapping your motherboard... and keep your cat out of your work space.) or taking classes at a community college I have been developing skill sets.

Warning : Does NOT Mix Well With Computers

This has been both an intrinsic desire to learn how things operate and spurred by new job responsibilities (I have no clue how Microsoft Project works, but there's a class for that!).  I have found that by building time for the into my daily routine I am able to blend it into my life.  I know that after I get home I just need to spend half an hour doing homework, then I get to do other stuff (of course, this kind of back fires since if I'm not studying I feel antsy...).  I am fortunate that my current position highly encourages this. 
Now where is that note...

The biggest hurdle I had when I began doing this was where to get information.  The internet, as you may be aware, is a vast wilderness.  Part dumping ground, part hallowed shrine, part Mad Max, it can be hard to find what you're looking for.  Searching for "A+ Study" returns several million hits (fortunately some good ones pop up), the vast majority of which are rather useless.  The most success I had was with word of mouth.  A friend recommended Professor Messer (check him out.  Seriously, he rocks), which really got me started.  Taking time to examine information sources was also valuable.  Think of it like studying to study.

Once I got started, I was hooked.  I have borrowed books from co-workers, watched countless Youtube videos, taken classes, written papers, browsed hardware, tinkered with computers, fried circuits, dreamt about systems analysis (that was a weird night), and made hundreds, if not thousands, of note cards.  All of this drives towards the singular purpose of improving my skill set.
The trick is to choose activities which complement each other.  Taking a cooking class, then going to welding school may be interesting, but don't exactly support each other (unless you're cooking with a blow torch...)

This has several advantages, the biggest is I increase my value to my employer.  I have been able to take on increasing responsibility at work, mostly due to my new-found skills.  Simply learning how to learn has also helped at work since I am able to learn from my co-workers and take on new tasks.  Another big advantage is I feel better about myself.  I consistently find myself in new and interesting situations (not all are enjoyable, but they're all interesting...).  This keeps me out of a rut, which is a very dangerous place to be in.

To quote Dori, from finding Nemo:

Just Keep Swimming

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Preparation Is Key : Informational Interviews

When I began getting back into IT I had no clue what to look for.  I didn't know what paths there were, what options I had for training, what to pursue with that training or how to get in the door.  Much of my time was spent answering those questions, and before I set foot inside a classroom or began to applying for jobs I interviewed.  I didn't interview for a job, I interviewed for information.

Information interviews were very important in getting me back into IT.  They began very small, cornering people I know who worked in IT (Programmers, Security Admins, Techs, etc.) and just picking their brain.

  • What kind of skills do they have?
  • Where do they work?
  • How hard was it to get their job?
  • Do they have any advice for a newbie like me?
Eventually, some of these first wave interviews turned into more formal affairs with their bosses or, when I really lucked out, their Director of IT.  Keep in mind these were not an attempt to get a job, or find an opening.  Instead it was just a sit down conversation about IT, and about how that person sees things.  I got a lot of contradictory advice (certification is bad, certification is good, get a degree, don't get a degree, get a degree if you want a degree), but I also  got a lot of really good advice.
  • Are you more interested in Infrastructure or Applications?
  • Are you willing to relocate?
  • Did you know about various training seminars?
A big advantage of working part time was I could meet these folks face to face.  A good number of these interviews, however, were over the phone.  You would be surprised how many people are willing to spend ten or fifteen minutes talking to you.  Just be polite, respect their time and be prepared.  I went into every interview with a list of 10 or 15 questions, including:
  • How did you get into IT?
  • What skills do you recommend for an entry level technical position?
  • What Certifications do you recommend and why?
  • What certifications do you have, and do you find them useful?
  • Do you recommend a degree in IT?
  • Do you have a degree in IT?  Which one?  Do you find it useful?
  • Is there anything else you think I should know as I am getting into IT?
(This list is by no means all inclusive.  Questions may not make sense in every situation, or new questions may come up.  As with everything don't be afraid to tweak it.)

These questions were designed to help me figure out what I need to do to get into IT, and where I should best apply my resources.  It also exposed me to different ways of thinking, as some folks found more value in Certification, or others had heard of new skills I should focus on.  They also helped me build up my ability to take an actual Job Interview.  It is very nerve wracking talking to someone who is doing what you want to do (especially if they're in management)!  

It you have the time (make the time) make some phone calls, send some emails and pound some pavement.  Get out there and see what other people are doing.  Remember, the goal isn't to get a job, or get setup to get one, it's just to ask questions and see what people think.

For me, I learned that I was more interested in Infrastructure (servers, tech support, etc.) than I was with Applications (programming, etc.).  I find this funny since I am now a Programmer Analyst, but at the time it helped me determine my entry back into IT.  It also gave me a good boost of confidence, now I knew what I was aiming at.  It gave me the direction to begin.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Preparation is Key : Job Interviews

Information Interviews, which are focused mainly on just helping you figure out what is going on and what direction to head.  They are very important in determining your next steps.  They are, however, mainly only used to help you figure out what to do.  A Job Interview is what actually gets you the job.

Job interviews can be scary.  They can be boring.  They can be long.  They can be short.  For me, they seemed to be all of those things.  I have been through three Job Interviews in IT, one for my volunteer position at Free Geek, another for my part time position, and a third for my current full time position.  They all had minor differences, but they all shared quite a bit.

What They Shared

Many things were similar between those three interviews.  I was asked why I wanted the job, what I had to offer, what I wanted to get from it, and what I expected.  I was quizzed on my technical skills, my work ethic and what I think of team work.  In general, they are going to try and determine if you'll be a good fit for their team.  They already have a working group, and they don't want to disrupt it too much by adding a loose cannon.

Definitely be ready to either demonstrate your technical skill (especially in IT), provide samples of your work, or answer questions about your skills.  They're hiring someone to do a highly skilled job (setting up AD accounts, coding Python, managing a team, whatever), and they will want to see a sample before they take you on.  If you don't know an answer to a question (or forget!) be honest, just let them know.  You'll never know everything, and they don't expect you to.

In all three cases, I also asked questions.  Not only are they gaining someone (if I were to be hired) but I would have to work with them.  There are a ton of guides on how to interview out there (take some time a read them!), but I always asked three questions, more if I had time.
  • Whats the best part of the job.
  • Whats the worst part of the job.
  • Why do others enjoy working here.
All three questions gave me a good idea of what the company is like.  I never had anyone refuse to answer any of them (though they did try to minimize that second one...), although if they do it is likely a red flag.  If someone is unwilling to share with me what they personally dislike (or like) about a work environment I am immediately suspicious.  Regardless, definitely ask a few questions, not only will it help you learn about your potential job, but it will show them you are actually interested (also know something about the company you're interviewing with.  Google it.).

What was Different

Each interview took place in a different location, one in a back office, another in the only office and the third in a conference room where I was heavily outnumbered.  I took into consideration what environment I was walking into, and tailored my outfit to the best match I could think of.  For Free Geek I wore jeans and a t-shirt.  For the others, slacks and button down.  (Doing some recon before hand and determining what folks wear can be very helpful).

The formality was one of the largest differences.  Free Geek only took one interview, and I was told immediately that I got the position.  The part-time job had three interviews, one on the phone, another in person, and a third in person for technical questions.  The full-time position was one hour long interview with me and four others (a recruiter, a potential co-worker, my boss and his boss.  No pressure).

Definitely prepare for your Job Interviews.  Make sure you know how to get where you're going and leave plenty of time to arrive (I've gotten lost before, but was saved by having an extra 15 minutes).  If it is a technical position, be ready to answer questions or provide examples of work. And don't forget, relax!  They can be very nerve-wrecking, but if you're prepared and relax, you'll do the best job you can.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tools for Success : Task Tracking

As I mentioned briefly in other posts, being able to keep track of what you are (and should be!) doing is very important.  On any given day dozens of individual tasks get thrown at me, and there is simply no way I will remember what I have to do and what steps are required.  There are some things, like resetting a password, or putting paper in the printer, that I don't bother writing down since they're "small", but almost everything else gets put into form of tracking tool or another.

GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) applies to task tracking systems.  Systems are only as strong as their users discipline in maintaining them.  It is better to have a simple system that you maintain iron-clad regularity with than a complex one that you never look at.  Ensuring accurate information is input into the correct areas is paramount as the last thing you want is to look at it later and not know what it is talking about.

Ticketing Systems - Includes AutoTask, IssueTrak, etc.

Ticketing systems are basically databases that get filled up with various tasks.  Information you'll typically find includes who the ticket is assigned to, when it was made, who made it, contact information and a brief description of the problem.  These systems are generally only used in environments with larger numbers of individuals (i.e. companies).  One of the downsides is that individuals must invest time in maintaining the system (adding notes, updating information, routing tickets.  Many places have a single employee dedicated to managing tickets).  This time investment, however, will pay off as other individuals will be able to quickly and easily find and track information.  Metrics may also be generated, which are a great tool to help the team know where they're at (and to justify its existence to high powers!).

That was easy.

To Do Lists - Includes pen and paper, Astrid etc.

These are simply lists of things you need to get done.  To me, they are the simplest way to track tasks.  They rarely contain information other than the name of the task and (for me anyway) are either quickly handled or are passed off into a more robust system.  The main advantage of them is that they are easy to create (just grab paper and write) and can be made on an ad-hoc basis.  This is, of course, also a liability, since you'll soon end up with dozens of random lists floating around unless you maintain a strict process of managing them.

Custom Setups - Includes spreadsheets, bulletin boards, etc.

This is one of my more favorite methods.  I use a rather simple Excel spreadsheet to keep track of incoming tasks.  In addition to what i have to do, I also assign it a priority, start date, target end date and contacts.  I have found that providing myself with metrics on how long it takes to complete tasks of various severities helps me tweak the system in the future.

In the end it doesn't matter what you use, as long as you are consistent in it's application.  In addition to helping you keep track of what needs to be done, having a disciplined tracking system will allow someone to fill in for you if you are unavailable or on vacation.  It is also a valuable way to show your boss that you are actually working and not just beating the high score at mine sweeper.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Preparation Is Key : Career Planning Part 2

If I have learned anything in IT, it is that preparation is key.  Before meeting with a private customer for a job I must take time to go over what it is they need.  I need to know what tools to bring with me, what kind of equipment I will be dealing with, what software they have etc.  This also applies to situations at work, when I was working at the Help Desk I made sure I knew as much as I possible could about the person I was calling.  I would check and make sure they're computer was up and running, if there were any network wide problems, or if there were any recent changes.  In short, I did my homework.

The same goes for my path back into IT (part 1 here).  Free Geek provided me with a lot of hands on experience with hardware and with customer service.  Not only did it teach me how to strip down basically any type of desktop (Power PC's are a PAIN.  Apple did NOT want you opening those things) and deal with the surprises inside (food, cockroaches, bees, a hand gun once...) but it taught me how to handle a wide range of personalities and people in the context of IT.

Intel : Bees Inside
The experience I gained working with a large range of individuals was directly applicable to my next position at a small IT company.  They dealt primarily with small businesses providing "Break-Fix" IT Support.  Calls would range from setting up printing to physically moving a server to resetting passwords.  Most of the customers had what is called a SLA, or Service Level Agreement.  Basically these are contracts which outline the level of a support a customer can receive.  Level 1 may be 1 hour a week of remote, while level 3 may be 5 hours onsite support and unlimited remote support.  Level 3, of course, costs substantially more.

The vast majority of the work I did here was remote.  We used various tools, including LogMeIn (something I still use from time to time for my side gigs), and TeamViewer (This is a great one for family and friends since it's free for non-commercial use.  I help my grandfather out with this one). We also used a ticketing system to track what work was done and how long it took.  Learning how to use these tools was a bit of a learning curve, but it did teach me some valuable concepts, such as ticketing and remote support, which I had not yet been exposed to.

(I can virtually guarantee you that you will use a ticketing system of one kind or another in your path through IT.  I use it as a programmer analyst to track problems as they appear, our Help Desk uses it to track new installs, and our sysadmins use it to audit our permissions.  Having a systematic approach to tracking problems is a critical skill to learn.  I will get into this more in another post, but learn to love tickets.)
Start early.
This was also my first exposure to Microsoft Server and Active Directory (AD).  It was incredibly confusing and I got lost more times than I care to remember, but this trial by fire got me used to a normal business IT environment.  Simply looking at and navigating through AD helped prepare me for my first full time position.  I have learned that just by going through a system and getting a passing familiarity with it will pay off a LOT in the long term.  Be careful, but go in and play around! (with permission of course!).

From time to time I would have to go out on site.  This involved logging not only my time, but miles driven.  Currently the US Government mandates $.565 paid per mile driven for work, which made for some nice gas money.  Now this only includes times when work needs you to use your personal vehicle to go from site to site.  (It doesn't include driving into work in the morning.  It is especially nice for me since I happen to drive a hybrid and go "slow" at only 65mph).  These on site trips also gave me experience dealing with diverse physical systems.  No two customers were a like, even if their logical setup was similar.  Some have their server in a crawl space, others have no server, some have a large warehouse, others a coffee shop.  This helped make me more flexible and better able to adapt when presented a new situation (something that happens a LOT in life).

All the time I was working part time I was pursuing additional training on the side.  I finally earned my Network+, having started it when I was just volunteering at Free Geek, and began working on A+.  I was also still volunteering at Free Geek.  By this time I had moved into their "build" program and was getting good experience building computers from the mother board up.  I have kept up that habit of continually learning and improving.  Currently I am working on another security certification and am taking classes at my local community college.

My first (and only) part time job in IT taught me a lot.  Mainly, that preparation is key, and to keep moving forward.  By preparing myself a head of time for various situations, I was able to best capitalize on the opportunities offered.  Simply having a job was preparation for the next step in my IT journey, getting a full time job.  Being able to test out my skills and how I deal with problems gave me a better sense of confidence and more tools to use in the future.  Just like GI JOE taught me, Knowledge is Half the Battle (tm).